After School Detention & Clinic For Excessive Tardiness


The updated memo from our Principal, Mr. Hilton, regarding excessive tardiness is now available. For FAQs and more information on the logistics of After School Detention, click here.


Welcome to the Home of the Panthers!


Woodlawn High School provides a safe and supportive environment that fosters opportunities for all students to achieve academic success, while also ensuring students obtain necessary life-skills through partaking in opportunities to grow intellectually, philanthropically, and socially.


At Woodlawn High School, our students are responsible members of the community who demonstrate this by respecting the right of all to learn in a safe and challenging atmosphere, while inspiring themselves and others intellectually, physically and emotionally to reach their highest collective potential.

Total Attendance

Students Graduating in 2023


On Time Graduation Rate


Post-Graduate Admittance

Stay In The Know

Keep up with what’s happening in the Panther Nation!


New Classes at Woodlawn

by Mya Kremin Several new classes have been added to our school this year. Two of the classes are AP Government and Politics and Newspaper. These courses provide a different pace and offer different materials to fit the students’ academic performance. The newly added AP course is a college course...
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Physics Family

by Lillian Khemmanyvong This year Mr. Spruill is sponsoring the physics club “Club TACWACA” (The Awesome Club Without A Cool Acronym). The club is open to anyone who is interested, although there is one requirement: you have to be approved by either Mr. Spruill himself or your current science teacher....
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The Hard Work a Runner Gives

by Alexis Martin Cross Country is a mentally tough sport. It includes a lot of running and hard work. It may not seem as complicated as most sports; we do not have any equipment other than running shoes and clothes. However, the races consist of hard work and dedication. Effort...
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Zombies, Ghosts, and Clowns! Oh, My!

by Mya Kremin The haunted house directed by theater teacher Ms. Morton is awaited by students each year. Ms. Morton selects a theme that the house will be based on, and the students dress up as characters from the theme. This year’s theme was ‘Scary Movies.’ Students dressed up as...
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