Woodlawn Begins 2017-2018 School Year

Woodlawn Begins 2017-2018 School Year

Senior Josh London

As the bell rang at 7:02 AM on Wednesday, August 9th, 2017, the 2017-2018 school year was officially underway. And with that bell, hundreds of new and returning Panthers found their way to their new classes.

Joshua London, a senior beginning his fourth year at Woodlawn, said that his senior year got off to a wonderful start.

“My classes seem interesting, and I liked my teachers. It seems like my senior year is going to go great. I’m looking forward to it,” said Joshua.

Other Panthers had many of the same sentiments. Chase Gauthier is a third year student, and is also very much looking forward to his junior year.

Freshman Julyana Espinal

“The first day was really good. My teachers were great, really relaxed, and made us feel welcomed,” explained Chase. “It makes me very excited about this year.”

Julyana Espinal, a very outgoing and energetic incoming freshman, said that she was a little nervous for her first day.

“You really don’t know your way around the school. It is a new environment with new people. You really aren’t ready for it. You can’t prepare for it,” Julyana said.

However, she did say that everyone she encountered was extremely welcoming and helpful.

Sophomore Arielle Williams

“I didn’t really have trouble finding my way around. My sister is an upperclassman, and I had a few friends that already came here that helped me in the hallways. And if I couldn’t find them, I would just ask a teacher, and they were all very helpful.”

With the first day in the books, students are already starting to look forward to an exciting school year. Many of that excitement revolves around athletics, clubs, and extracurricular activities.

“I am looking forward to joining some clubs. I plan on joining Panthrobotics. My brother (Hernan Espinal) joined it when he was here, and I plan on joining too,” said Julyana. “I am also looking forward to soccer and softball. And homecoming spirit week!”

Sophomore Arielle Williams said she is also looking forward to athletics and spirit week.

Junior Chase Gauthier

“I am excited about our special events, our dances, games, and everything having to do with school spirit,” said Arielle.

Upperclassmen also looked back at their high school careers and had a little advice for the new freshmen.

“My freshman year, I was lost. I took high school as a joke sometimes. You need to understand that your freshman year will stay with you all four years, so you need to take it serious,” advised Joshua.

Chase simplified the school year quite nicely.

“Don’t act up. Do your stuff. You’ll pass.”

Pretty simple advice that all Panthers can follow! Here’s to a great school year!


Student Progress Center Replaces Home Access Center

Student Progress Center Replaces Home Access Center

The East Baton Rouge Parish School System has switched student information systems from Eschool to JCampus, and with this change comes a change in how parents and students will track student progress. JCampus Student Progress Center (SPC) is a system that allows parents to view their student’s school information. It is the system that will replace Home Access Center, which was used in the past. It will no longer be necessary to contact the school in order to access this information.

Student Progress Center (SPC) updates student data activity as it happens, enabling students and parents to track progress and prepare for success.
You can use SPC to catch up on your child’s homework, check discipline, get teacher comments, see school announcements, owed fees, and so much more.
If you are a parent or guardian, see all of your children from one screen, one login – anytime, anywhere. Other features of SPC include:

· View your personal graduation plan
· Multiple Language Options
· Mobile Access
· View Attendance
· & More!

To access Student Progress Center (SPC) use the following link:


When registering on SPC, parents will need their personal information, along with a PSN number. The PSN number must be signed for at Woodlawn High. While signing for the PSN, all of your student’s emergency contact information will be verified. Once your signature is on file, parents will be able to contact the school via phone or email in order to retrieve a lost PSN number.

Once registered, a parent can link multiple students by using the drop down box on the upper right side of the screen.

A link to SPC can be found on the main menu, under the Parents tab.

Orientation Dates Set

Orientation Dates Set

Woodlawn High School is preparing for the quickly approaching 2017-2018 school year by hosting orientation for all students on Wednesday, July 26th and Thursday, July 27th. Students can expect to receive their schedule for the new school year, check out text books from the library, pay assessment fees.

As in the past, students may pay a $25 assessment fee, or a $40 assessment fee. Student will receive a “W” school ID if they choose the $40 option, which will allow the student to enter any regular season home athletic event for no cost.

Students will also have the opportunity to purchase school polos ($15), sweatshirts ($25), and spirit shirts from various school organizations (prices will vary).

New at this year’s orientation, students can expect to take their yearbook pictures. Seniors will take cap and gown pictures at a later date.

Neighbors Federal Credit Union will also present students and parents with several options to open accounts, including the Woodlawn High Mascot Card.

Students are asked to attend the orientation session designated for their grade: 12th grade on Wednesday, July 26 at 8 am, 11th grade on Thursday, July 27 at noon, 10th grade on Wednesday, July 26 at noon, and 9th grade on Thursday, July 27 at 8 am.

Summer Assignments for 2017-2018 School Year

Summer Assignments for 2017-2018 School Year

The Woodlawn High School community engages in a school-wide Summer Reading program. The purpose of this program is to encourage reading, not just for all of its academic and learning benefits, but to help students discover that reading can be a meaningful and pleasurable activity. Students will select a novel, or novels, from the appropriate list below to read over the summer. Students must complete any assignments associated with these novels. Students should be prepared to turn in these assignments, or take the corresponding assessments, the first few weeks of school.









In addition to the Summer Reading Program, many AP courses have summer assignments that must be completed for the following school year. AP assignments for World History, United States History, Government and Politics, and Biology II can be found below.







2017 Spring Exam Schedule Released

2017 Spring Exam Schedule Released

The 2017 Spring Exam Schedule has been released. Students will begin taking final exams on Thursday, May 18, 2017. Students’ last exams will be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2017.

Thursday, May 18th, and Friday, May 19th, will both be full school days. Students will be dismissed at 2:31. Monday, May 22nd, and Tuesday, May 23rd, will both be early dismissal days. Students will be released at 11:30 am.

Students are reminded that all uniform codes and school rules apply during exam days. Students should not bring book bags or large purses onto campus on exam days.

Students are also reminded that they should not go onto any other school campus after exams.