Aug 4, 2016
Woodlawn High School has released the updated Discipline Policies for the 2016-2017 school year. Included are dress code, attendance, and discipline policies and procedures.
Notable dress code changes include:
- Male students will now be permitted to wear earrings. As per EBRPSS policy, no students may wear facial piercings. Please note that some classes, such as JROTC and athletic PE’s, may not allow males to wear earrings in class.
- Students may now wear hooded sweatshirts and jackets at all times on campus. However, the hood may not be worn over the student’s head at any point while inside any school building.
- Female students are now allowed to wear skorts along with skirts or khaki pants. The skorts and skirts must be no more than three inches above the knee cap.
- Students will be allowed to wear joggers this year. Students will not have to wear belts if the joggers do not have belt loops. Students must tuck their shirts in regardless of the type of bottom they are wearing.
- Students will be allowed to wear Woodlawn High School athletic, club, or sponsored event t-shirts on Fridays. Students must wear uniform bottoms on Fridays.
Students are still required to wear polo style school shirts that are purple or white on Monday-Thursday. Students are also required, per district policy, to wear an ID visibly throughout the school day. Students who do not have an ID on a given day will be required to purchase a temporary ID for a cost of $3. Students will be required to pay for the temporary ID by the next school day.
Parents and students are asked to review the attached policies together for any other updates or changes for the 2016-2017 school year.
Download Discipline Policies 2016-2017
Aug 4, 2016
The 2016-2017 Daily Bell Schedule has been finalized and released. This year will mark a major change in the bell schedule; Woodlawn High will transition to a block schedule. Students will report to their 1st Period, or Homeroom, every day. Students will then follow one of two schedules. On “A” Days students will follow their “A” Schedule, while they follow their “B” Schedule on “B” Days.
The time of school days will carry over from previous years. Buses will unload and the café will open at 6:50 AM. Students will report to Homeroom at 7:02 AM. The tardy bell will ring at 7:10 AM. Administration suggests all students be dropped off by 7:02 AM in order to give students enough time to arrive at Homeroom by 7:10 AM. Students will be dismissed from school at 2:25 PM.
Lunch shifts will be based on your 4th Period class. Students who have 4th Period in the 100, 200, 300, or 400 Halls will report to 1st Lunch, at 10:50 AM. Students will then report to 4th Period at 11:20 AM. Students who have 4th Period in the 500, 700, 800, 900, or 1200 Halls will report to class at 10:50 AM. These students will have 2nd Lunch from 12:25 PM until 12:55 PM. All students will then report to their 5th Period class. Students should be aware that they may have a different lunch shift on “A” Day than they do on “B” Day.

Download 2016-2017 Bell Schedule
Jul 28, 2016
Dear Panthers and Panther Parents,
I hope everyone has been able to get some rest and relaxation this summer. As the beginning of school, August 10th, is right around the corner.
We are excited about the upcoming 2016-2017 school year. Our orientation days are upon us. Please do your best to be in attendance at your grade level orientation. They are as follows:
- Seniors (12th) – July 27th, 8:00 a.m.*
- Juniors (11th) – July 27th, 12:00 p.m.
- Sophomores (10th) – July 28th, 12:00 p.m.
- Freshmen (9th) – July 28th, 8:00 a.m.
Orientation will start in the gym, where we will welcome you and explain the orientation process. You will have some options as far as Assessment Fees are concerned. We will again offer the regular assessment fee of $25 which includes your ID, lanyard, ID holder, school folder, and schedule. Option 2 is the $40 assessment fee, which includes the above mentioned items and student entry to all home sporting events (excluding playoff games and jamborees), concerts, and theater performances. This does not include Prom or the Homecoming Dance, as those are separate events hosted by various classes.
There is also the option to purchase a parking pass, a locker, school shirts and sweatshirts, and a yearbook. None of these are required to be purchased. Obviously you will need a school shirt to wear Monday thru Thursday, but you may purchase white collared polo style shirts any place that sells them in solid white. Purple school shirts must be purchased from Woodlawn High, as no other entity has permission to sell purple school shirts, with the Woodlawn “W” embroidered on the chest.
The PTO will have a table set up where you may join our PTO organization and/or purchase a spirit shirt. This year students will be allowed to wear a Woodlawn High t-shirt on Fridays, with school khakis. These may be from any sport, club, or school approved organization. Shirts representing other schools are not allowed at any time. We want to promote our school and build pride for Woodlawn High, not other schools.
After students receive their schedules, if there are any corrections to be made, our counselors will be on hand to assist with those corrections. From that point students will report to the library to take their ID picture and receive their ID as well as receive their textbooks. We look forward to an exciting school year as we are preparing our students for success at the next level in whatever it is they choose to pursue.
* Seniors will take their Cap and Gown pictures at orientation. These pictures will be used in the yearbook. So please make sure you are prepared to take your picture that day. Hair and makeup should be ready to go, should you choose. We have decided to replace Drape and Tux pictures, with Cap and Gown, as our Seniors will be graduating in roughly 9 months.
Jul 28, 2016
Jyron Anderson
On April 16, 2016, Woodlawn students celebrated prom at Stage One. The theme for the night was “Under the Sea,” featuring live fish! The lighting was low and if you looked at the ceiling you would have seen a projection that made it seem as though you were underwater. The ambiance overall was elegant, the music was upbeat and fun, and the students could not leave the dance floor.
The significant difference between this year’s prom versus last year seems to be the DJ. Last year’s main complaint was the music, ultimately making 2015’s prom a bust. This year’s music featuring old and new music to keep the audience on their feet, “The DJ was pretty fantastic, everyone was dancing and getting along having a good time,” says Jayda Drury. At one point he even started a soul train line, and of course Mrs. Reed hopped in.
With such an event as prom, preparation can get pretty hectic, a least for girls. Most boys only had to worry about the right tux and a nice haircut. “Spray tan, hair, jewelry, nails, feet,” these were just a few things on Jessie Martin’s checklist. “It was a lot of preparation to feel beautiful for a few hours.” Stage One provided the food and drinks, though not many students ate it as most of them when out to eat before and after prom. Alana Hopper, one of the mermaids of prom was offered one of the goldfish placed on the tables for decoration, she named him “Mr. Fish”. The prom got good reception from the student body, proving it an overall success. Let’s hope 2017’s prom is even better.
Jul 28, 2016
by Sierra Johnson
On April 25th, the senior class had their annual senior breakfast. Upon entry, all students received a small bag of Hershey kisses. Everyone then took their seats and a speech was given by our mayor, Kip Holden. The room fell silent as he inspired us with his words. “This is the last time you all will be able to do something like this with your fellow classmates. Most of you have known each other since elementary school, and soon you all will go your separate ways.”
Once finished, people where called, by table, to get a plate of food made by our school’s very own Chef Oubre. Gifts were then given out to the people who had a number on the Hershey bag that they received (not every bag had a number). The gifts ranged from a free Smoothie King smoothie, to a gift basket, to even two 1 hour passes to Area 51! The parents worked hard on gathering the gifts and making decorations; it was a great experience.