May 27, 2020
Panthers, we want to thank you for an incredible school year and for your patience through Distance Learning. We greatly missed the last few months with our students, and we cannot wait to have them back on campus in the upcoming weeks.
While there are still many unknowns regarding what next fall will look like, we want to assure you that we are preparing for every possible outcome. Please take a minute to fill out this brief survey to let us know what health concerns you have for the year ahead, and how we can enhance distance learning to meet those needs. The survey is in both English and Spanish.
We will continue to communicate with you about summer enrichment opportunities and all other important updates.
And as always, thanks for your continued support!
May 27, 2020
For questions about summer reading, please email Ms. Collins at [email protected].
“The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say.”
— Anais Nin
Your summer assignment is a chance for you to read Daniel Defoe’s Journal of a Plague Year (Diario del año de la peste) to explore ideas, and to write in response to what you are reading and thinking. The task has three parts, and all work is due September 4, 2020.
I have linked to all the texts that are available online, but in some cases, you may need to go to your local library to get a copy. In many cases, I have included additional links if you are fascinated by what you read and are interested in exploring more.
As Voltaire said, “Think for yourself and let others enjoy the privilege of doing so too.” Enjoy the privilege of reading great texts. Enjoy the writing process.
Part I — Organizing
Text — How I Take Notes and 10 Note-Taking Tips
After watching StudyTee’s notes system, I want you to think about how you can benefit from this organization method that will be used for this summer and throughout the year.
Assignment — Two options
- Get a notebook of your choice with the style of paper that you prefer (lined, graph, blank, bullet point, etc.). We will use this notebook to create notes for The Journal of a Plague Year.
- Students may also create a Google Docs to create notes for The Journal of a Plague Year.
Why it is essential — The process of learning something often starts out feeling disorganized and unwieldy; the most important aspects are not always salient. Consolidation helps organize and solidify learning. This notebook will serve as a means to consolidate what you have learned from The Journal of Plague Year. Make it your own. Decorate it if you like or keep it clean and clear.
Part II — Reading
Text 1 — Leo Babauta’s Why I Read (+ a Dozen Book Recommendations)
Assignment — Write a page of notes about your relationship with reading. Share an honest assessment of the role that it plays in your life. Think about how you would conceptualize and categorize reading’s impact on you. I value honesty over flattery. If reading is not your thing, say it. If you love it, then let me know. I don’t care so much which side you take. More important than what you choose is the truth of your reflection. I want to read about why you feel the way that you do. I want to get to know you as a reader.
Why it is essential — This is the first step in me getting to know you as a reader. What’s more important than that?
Text 2 — Journal of a Plague Year
Assignment –Create three pages of notes about the book. How you organize those three pages is up to you. I know that this is vague and undefined but look at it another way. I am empowering you to do what you feel is right. You have the freedom to do what you want. You can create whatever you want. All I’m asking you to do is create three new pages of notes about your reading experience. When there are little to no rules, the possibilities are endless. It is up to you to make it awesome!
The former is the free-style version of developing your intellectual acumen. A more structured style known as dialectical journals will be introduced as the class progresses. It is a format that involves talking your way through a text and being able to analyze content material through conversations that you have with the reading material. For example, you would ask yourself: What exactly was the Black Death? Then explore the question through information found in the reading. The point is for you to expand your boundaries and intellectual curiosity by asking questions and finding answers. You will discover that the process serves to broaden your horizons and allows you to be comfortable in your own skin!
Why it is crucial — A mature thinker chooses and develops his or her criteria to evaluate the quality of texts. I respect your ability to make connections to other books, ideas, cultural perspectives, eras, and personal experiences. When you have control over how you do that, you often exceed my expectations. So do it.
Text 3 –Poems That Say Thank You
Assignment — Choose two poems from this list and create notes for each. The notes should focus on an analysis of each poem. Look for the interrelated parts. Use SWIMTAG. Find the individual aspects of the poem that give it meaning.
Why it is essential — Thoughtful readers write to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately. How? Selecting apt and specific evidence, organizing that evidence into broader purposes, and communicating the impact of its meaning make you a keen reader.
Part III — Seeing-BONUS
Text — The Nerdwriter Analyzes Edward Hopper’s “Nighthawks”
Evan Puschak has his own YouTube channel (NerdWriter) in which he offers video essays. I admire these essays that range from art, to film, to politics, to literature. He is thoughtful, well-researched, and has a keen sense of timing and audience awareness. In this video essay, he analyzes one of the iconic 20th century American paintings, “Nighthawks.” Pay attention to not only what he sees, but also notice the biographical and historical context he weaves into his analysis and pay attention to how he uses both the images and words to teach you about the painting.
Assignment — For your first set of notes, I want you to write two pages. Choose a 2-D or 3-D work of art from Google Arts and Culture ( It can be any creative endeavor that has some fascinating artistry. I want you to analyze that work of art on a similar level to Evan Puschak (the Nerdwriter). If you look at his show notes on the YouTube page for the “Nighthawks” video essay, he has done a fair amount of research. I want you to do the same. In your notes, find an organized way to explain its artistic merit and value. Don’t just provide a summary of what it is, analyze how it operates, and why it is essential.
Why it is necessary — I want you to use your notes to enrich your language, background knowledge, and vocabulary. For that to happen, these notes should be so much more sophisticated than a summary. They should reveal the complexity of the work of art. You have to articulate not only what it means to you. You should also have a broader appreciation for the artist, the cultural and historical context concerning its creation, and how the work has transcended time and remains relevant.
May 27, 2020
Woodlawn High School will once again offer free summer school to current Woodlawn High School students.
Students wishing to gain credit in a course which they have previously attempted can register for summer school. No students will be allowed to take new course work.
Students and parents can login into JCampus to see final grades from the 2019-2020 school year, and they should contact their School Counselor for more information.
Please click here to register for summer school.
May 6, 2020
Woodlawn High School is still offering AP tests to students currently enrolled in AP classes and AP teachers are hard at work helping students prepare for AP exams in May. All AP testing will be completed online, at home on student devices. The College Board will email students all necessary information for exam day, so be sure to check your emails every day for updates.
Check out the AP Updates flyer for information on this year’s AP tests and some important Action Items students need to do now.
Still have questions? For questions about AP Testing for WHS students, please email Ms. Miller at [email protected]. For help logging into your AP account, please call College Board at 888-225-5427. For more information on the changes to AP testing this year, please visit
Apr 21, 2020
On Thursday, April 23rd, Woodlawn High School will introduce the Distance Learning Program. Students and teachers will connect via Microsoft Teams in order to complete the 2019-2020 Academic School Year.
Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that combines workplace chat, video meetings, and file storage. Users can download the Teams app on their mobile device, personal PC, or Chromebook. Many Chromebooks which were checked out through the school library are already equipped with Teams. Students can log onto Teams using their school username and password.
Beginning at 9 am on Thursday, April 23rd, students will virtually attend each of their A Day classes. Each class will last 30 minutes, with a 15 minute break in between classes. Students will attend their B Day classes on Friday, April 24th.
- Thursday, April 23rd
- 1A – 9 AM – 9:30 AM
- 2A – 9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
- 3A – 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
- 4A – 11:15 AM – 11:45 AM
- Friday, April 24th
- 5B – 9 AM – 9:30 AM
- 6B – 9:45 AM – 10:15 AM
- 7B – 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
- 8B – 11:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Students should expect a quick introduction to each class, with expectations and possible enrichment activities. Enrichment activities could be graded and used to replace existing assignment grades.
On Monday, April 27th, students will begin their weekly Distance Learning Schedule. Students will have classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. At the conclusion of each class, students can participate in Optional Intervention with teachers for twenty minutes. While in the Optional Intervention period, students are encouraged to ask questions about material presented during class. Thursdays and Fridays will be used by students to work on independent assignments.
- Mondays
- 1A – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
- 2A – 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
- Tuesdays
- 3A – 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
- 4A – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
- 5B – 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
- Wednesdays
- 6B – 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
- 7B – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
- 8B – 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
- Optional Intervention – 11:30 AM – 11:50 AM
Students should expect to receive weekly assignments during their class periods from their teachers. These assignments will be graded and entered into the grade book. Attendance will also be taken and recorded. Attendance will not be counted against a student.
All assignments must be graded and submitted by May 21st.
Teachers will continue using Google Classroom to post additional resources. Many teachers will also post video of their weekly class session or a video from the internet related to each week’s class. These videos will be accessible for students who need to review the material as well as those students who were not able to attend the class at its original scheduled time.
Teacher Office Hours
Teachers will be available in Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom to assist students. Teachers will be available to answer questions and provide support.
- Mondays – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
- Tuesdays – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
- Wednesdays – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
- Thursdays – 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Fridays – 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Students may attempt to contact teachers during times outside of Office Hours using email or Teams chat, but should not attempt to initiate a video or audio chat outside of Office Hours.
Family Expectations for Distance Learning
All instruction and assignments will be graded and averaged into the student’s final cumulative grade and will be used to determine promotion and graduation. Distance learning work is not an enrichment curriculum. Assignments will impact grades. Students are expected to be engaged in instruction and assignments daily; however, Woodlawn High School continues to be sensitive to the equity of student access.
Parents and students with concerns regarding student technology access or technical support should email Ms. Jones ([email protected]). Please be sure to identify the student affected and the parent sending the email.
Parents are asked to support their students during the Distance Learning Process. Students are expected to log onto their live classes each Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during designated class times through Microsoft Teams. Intervention services will be provided after class instruction as needed. Assignments will be issued by teachers and are to be completed within the week.
On Thursdays and Fridays, students are expected to work on their independent assignments, utilizing teacher office hours and resources posted in Google Classroom.
Teachers may also provide additional enrichment activities. These extra assignments may be used to replace grades from assignments graded before March 13th. These activities may be assigned at the discretion of the teacher.
Parents may email teachers for informational purposes or to schedule online conference. Parents should expect email responses from staff in the following timelines:
- Throughout the day → by the end of the scheduled school day.
- After hours → during the next school day.
- During Office Hours → within 1 hour.
- 2:30 – 3:30 → immediately in que with other parent inquiries
Parents are asked to reach out to individual teachers and allow appropriate response times prior to reaching out to the school or administration.
Chromebook Distribution Information
Most students took their Chromebooks and chargers home on Friday, March 13. Chromebooks remaining at school will be picked up curbside by families on Wednesday, April 22nd. Administration and the school technology staff will distribute Chromebooks between 10 AM and 12 PM.
Before Chromebooks are issued, a damage assessment of each device will be documented. Chromebooks will not be signed for due to the COVID-19 threat. Parents, please have your driver’s licence available or student present for device pick up.
There are also a very limited number of extra chargers available. Please bring your current charger and staff will do their best to replace it. Availability of extra equipment is very limited, and the chargers will be given out on a first come, first served basis.
Students and parents will remain in their vehicle during Chromebook distribution. No students or parents will be allowed to exit their cars to enter the school building. Once the school district allows students on campus to retrieve items they may have left on campus, that information will be relayed via social media and Microsoft Teams.
Class of 2020 Updates
Seniors are expected to attend classes on Microsoft Teams through May 11th. All senior grades will be due by May 12th at noon. Seniors are exempt from all state testing and finals.
As graduation plans become solidified by the district, that information will be communicated via social media and teachers.
Seniors needing to take the ACT for scholarships should note that the nearest ACT dates currently scheduled are June 2nd and June 13th.