Faculty Portal
Policies & Procedures
Information for the Policies & Procedures here at Woodlawn will be posted here as it comes available.
- Student IDs
- Faculty IDs
- Field Trips
- Frontline Absence Management
- Letter of Recommendation Requests
- Professional Leave Requests
Coming Soon!!!
Coming Soon!!!
1) Fill out a Professional Leave Form (located in the Front Office)
2) Fill out the official EBR Schools Field Trip Form 20 SCHOOL DAYS BEFORE THE FIELD TRIP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfe_KElq3HUIyAvQsQ4o8kcxLJwoCTJeZ1Fr6fE1sd8it5t8g/viewform
3) Contact the Office of Transportation or a Bus Driver directly to secure the number of buses needed to transport you and the students for the field trip. Here is a list of drivers who want to participate in Field Trips as well: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/4/d/e/2PACX-1vS1O7EqPUWnif_t1n8XzgWOw_UhQt0-wb6DNmLyVs79Rv6-LuM2vUqKsSo5yxgAOSt5ZXn3FBv54lTD/pubhtml?gid=349446093&single=true
4) Check with the bus driver(s) for the form they need signed also to make sure they get paid for the Field Trip as well.
Coming Soon!!!
Coming Soon!!!