Faculty Portal

  Are you ready for Homecoming Spirit Week?

Be sure to follow along for how to dress and show off your Panther PRIDE!

Tuesday, Oct. 15th – CREW DAY
Wednesday, Oct. 16th – WEAR PINK
Thursday, Oct. 17th – ZOOM DAY
Friday, Oct. 18th – COLOR WARS



Saturday, Oct. 19th from 7-11pm in the WHS Cafeteria

Tickets for the Homecoming Dance are on sale now – click below on each ticket for the direct link to share with students to purchase!

Couples Ticket = $40         |         Single Ticket = $25


The HoCo committee (Russell-senior class advisor, SmooBoullionWigmanCurry) would LOVE for teachers to participate in the fun!  We would also love it if anyone would like to do any decorating around the school-your doors, subject hallways, your rooms, etc. In the spirit of the HoCo Dance theme: Monster Mash!


This year the Homecoming festivities were pushed back because of circumstances out of our control, so we have only been planning and putting things together for about a week and a half! Any support or joining in would be great. We would also like to put out the “HELP” memo for anyone who has inflatable yard Halloween/Spooky decorations that you would be willing to lend for the dance-please let any of us know!
Things we are still navigating and would love advice or help with:
  • Drinks for students at the dance: we have always offered 2 drink tickets for students outside of concessions for fundraising
  • Decoration/help for dance
  • Chaperones for the dance
  • Helpers to assist with Half time-helping get ladies lined up and in the right places!
  • Platform or risers for HoCo Court on the track

October 23-31

Waiting for more information at this time

Date: December 11th

Time: ???

Location: 800 Hall & WHS Theater

Come join us in a celebration of all of the hard work students have been putting into the Visual & Performing Arts Department this year!

Date: ???

Location: WHS Gym

PM Pep Rally Schedule?

Sign-up for who wants to be involved?

Date: ???

Time: ???

Location: 800 Hall & WHS Theater?

Come join us in a celebration of all of the hard work students have been putting into the Visual & Performing Arts Department this year!

Date: ???

Location: WHS Gym

Come celebrate with the various Culture Groups represented within our diverse Panther population!

Prom Committee

  • Russell-senior class advisor
  • Smoo,
  • Boullion
  • Wigman
  • Curry


Location: Boudreaux’s?

Date: ???

Theme: ???