By Sierra Johnson

Many Woodlawn students have wondered about the new sports team that, seemingly, arrived out of nowhere. This year’s first Swim Team will be coached by Ms. Macaluso. Her passion for swimming arose in early childhood; she started competitive swimming at the age of 4 and continued until she was 19. Her desire is to provide an extracurricular activity for students to get together and have an unforgettable time. A few swim team details include:

  • Practice is at Crawfish Aquatics every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
    • Any and every skill level is accepted
    • There’s no limit on how many people can join
    • Uniforms
    • Worn during swim meets
      • Boys: form fitting trousers
      • (solid black with purple stripe down the side)
      • Girls: form fitting one piece
      • (multiple shades of purple)

Competitions will be held on Saturdays and Sundays; two teams will race against the clock for the fastest time, side by side in the same pool. Teams will compete based off speed; hence fast teams will be paired with fast teams and slower teams with slower teams. No tryouts are held this year, so please feel free to join!