Orientation Dates Set

Orientation Dates Set

Woodlawn High School is preparing for the quickly approaching 2017-2018 school year by hosting orientation for all students on Wednesday, July 26th and Thursday, July 27th. Students can expect to receive their schedule for the new school year, check out text books from the library, pay assessment fees.

As in the past, students may pay a $25 assessment fee, or a $40 assessment fee. Student will receive a “W” school ID if they choose the $40 option, which will allow the student to enter any regular season home athletic event for no cost.

Students will also have the opportunity to purchase school polos ($15), sweatshirts ($25), and spirit shirts from various school organizations (prices will vary).

New at this year’s orientation, students can expect to take their yearbook pictures. Seniors will take cap and gown pictures at a later date.

Neighbors Federal Credit Union will also present students and parents with several options to open accounts, including the Woodlawn High Mascot Card.

Students are asked to attend the orientation session designated for their grade: 12th grade on Wednesday, July 26 at 8 am, 11th grade on Thursday, July 27 at noon, 10th grade on Wednesday, July 26 at noon, and 9th grade on Thursday, July 27 at 8 am.

Summer Assignments for 2017-2018 School Year

Summer Assignments for 2017-2018 School Year

The Woodlawn High School community engages in a school-wide Summer Reading program. The purpose of this program is to encourage reading, not just for all of its academic and learning benefits, but to help students discover that reading can be a meaningful and pleasurable activity. Students will select a novel, or novels, from the appropriate list below to read over the summer. Students must complete any assignments associated with these novels. Students should be prepared to turn in these assignments, or take the corresponding assessments, the first few weeks of school.









In addition to the Summer Reading Program, many AP courses have summer assignments that must be completed for the following school year. AP assignments for World History, United States History, Government and Politics, and Biology II can be found below.







2017 Spring Exam Schedule Released

2017 Spring Exam Schedule Released

The 2017 Spring Exam Schedule has been released. Students will begin taking final exams on Thursday, May 18, 2017. Students’ last exams will be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2017.

Thursday, May 18th, and Friday, May 19th, will both be full school days. Students will be dismissed at 2:31. Monday, May 22nd, and Tuesday, May 23rd, will both be early dismissal days. Students will be released at 11:30 am.

Students are reminded that all uniform codes and school rules apply during exam days. Students should not bring book bags or large purses onto campus on exam days.

Students are also reminded that they should not go onto any other school campus after exams.

ICare Team Spirit Sponsors Mock Crash

ICare Team Spirit Sponsors Mock Crash

This April, Woodlawn High’s Team Spirit Club, along with ICare, sponsored a Mock Crash on campus. This crash is the second part of a three part series, The Sudden Impact Program, that students at Woodlawn participate in. As tenth graders, students take a Sudden Impact class, followed by the Mock Crash for juniors, and a Mock Trial for seniors.

Four students, Ma’Kayla Odom, Alexis Martin, Hannah Luker, and Selena Seitz, played the parts of students involved in a head on collision. Their parents, along with personnel from Our Lady of the Lake Medical Emergency Center, Louisiana State Police, St. George Fire Department, and the East Baton Rouge Parish Coroner’s Office, took their respective roles as the scene unfolded for the Mock Crash.

The scene was a reenactment of the immediate aftermath of a crash in which drivers and passengers are injured. The audience of juniors watched quietly, allowing them to see first-hand how drinking and driving impacts everyone involved.

Each year teens from across our state lose their lives to impaired driving. Motor Vehicle Crashes remain the leading cause of death for teenagers aged 16  to 19 years of age, according to the Centers for Disease Control. This age group is three times more likely than drivers ages 20 and older to be involved in a fatal crash.

The Mock Crash underscored the consequences of drinking and driving, the impact of seat belt usage, and the emotional suffering families endure when a fatal crash occurs in reality. The ultimate goal is that seeing friends participate in the crash helps students realize that it can happen to anyone at any point in time, and the importance of really needing to be responsible for their actions. The Sudden Impact Program is an effective way to educate students on the dangers of distracted driving.

Woodlawn Opens School Store

Woodlawn Opens School Store

This three-quarter length shirt is offered with black or purple sleeves.

Woodlawn High School has teamed up with local sports store, Red Stick Sports, to open a School Store. The store will be open 7 days a week. Orders are placed and paid for on-line. Orders will then be sent to the school, where they can be picked up in the main office.

Customers should expect an approximate two week turnaround for orders. Orders placed by the 15th of the month should be completed by the end of that month, and orders placed later in the month should be completed by the 15th of the next month.

Students, parents, alumni, and community supporters should all be able to find something in the store to meet their needs. The store will include Woodlawn t-shirts and hats that can be customized to support many different sports and organizations offered by the school.

The store will offer uniform polo shirts, also. The school will still offer polo shirts in the main office, but this will be another option for students to purchase their uniform shirts.

Customers should expect the store to update items periodically throughout the year. Follow Woodlawn High on Twitter at @WoodlawnHighBR in order to get the latest updates on the team store.

A purple Nike hot jacket, identical to what many coaches wear, is available from the store.

Customers can currently order a long sleeve woven jacket from Nike.