Destiny Brooks ‘18
This year’s homecoming is coming up and there’s been a lot of questions about it. When is the dance? What will the theme be? Who are the nominees for queen? When is the game? Well your questions are about to be answered.

The 2016 Homecoming Court
On Tuesday, September 27th, the 2016 Homecoming Court was announced. Nakavia Chapman, Monica Jackson, Lillian Khemmanyvong, and Kamryn Williams were named senior maids. Junior maids are Miracle Harris, Tyler Price, and Renee Robertson. Montrell Frank and Praise McClain will represent the sophomore class as maids. Finally, Chyreon Folse was named the freshman maid.
Homecoming week is October 3rd to October 7th. Homecoming week will start on Monday, which is Character Day. Students may dress up as their favorite fictional character. Students are encouraged to dress as any character from any book, movie, TV show, or cartoon! Tuesday is Color Wars day. Each grade will wear its assigned color; the class colors for Color Wars are: seniors-white, juniors-black, sophomores-red, freshmen-yellow, and faculty and staff-blue. Students are encouraged to go all out and dress head to toe in their color! Wednesday is Teacher Look-A-Like day; students should dress up as their favorite teacher. On Thursday students should wear the 2016 homecoming shirt, which can be purchased in the front office for $12, and jeans. Wednesday, September 28th, is the last day to purchase a shirt. Friday is Circus day, so students can dress up as anything that would be seen in the circus such as a clown, fortune teller, ring master, strong man, bearded lady, lion tamer, elephant, etc. Please remember that students are not allowed to wear masks or face paint during any of these days.
Homecoming week will also feature our annual door decorating contest, sponsored by I Care TEAM Spirit. Students in each homeroom have begun working on their circus themed doors. Doors will be judged by representatives from iCare during the morning Thursday, October 6th, and the winners will be announced Thursday at the pep rally. Prizes will be awarded for the first, second, and third place doors.

The drum line performs at a pep rally last year.
The Homecoming game will be Thursday, October 6th. The Panthers will host the Belaire Bengals. On game day, a pep rally will take place at 1:30 pm, so bring your school spirit! The Homecoming court will be presented at the pep rally. The football game starts at 7:00 pm, and tickets will be sold for $8.00 at the game. Students with a “W” on their school ID will be admitted free!
Under the Big Top is the theme of the Homecoming dance, which will be held on Friday, October 7th. It will be held from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm at Woodlawn High School. Tickets for the Homecoming dance are on sale now and will remain on sale through next Thursday, October 6th. Tickets may be purchased in the front office before school or during your lunch shift. The cost is $20, which includes admission, and five tickets that can be used for concessions and/or the photo-booth. Every entrant (students and or guests) must have a ticket to enter the dance.

Senior Abbie Purugganan stands in front of her sign advertising Homecoming Week on September 26, 2016.
Homecoming Week Themes
- Monday – Character Day
- Tuesday – Class Color Wars
- Wednesday – Teacher Look-A-Like Day
- Thursday – Homecoming T-Shirt & Jeans
- Friday – Circus Day
Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, September 28 – Last Day to Purchase Homecoming Shirt
- Monday, October 3 – Homecoming Week Begins
- Thursday, October 6 – Pep Rally & Football Game vs. Belaire, Last Day to Purchase Tickets to Dance
- Friday, October 7 – Homecoming Dance