Elizabeth Roquemore ‘18
Woodlawn High School is finally bringing back tennis! Ms. Bailey, one of the Woodlawn English teachers, is going to be coaching the new team. Because Ms. Bailey played tennis herself, she decided to organize a team and would love to share the sport with interested students. Tennis, which was once a mainstay in the athletic program, is back again at Woodlawn, and Ms. Bailey is excited to guide and teach young Woodlawn students.
Tennis was created in 1879 and has a lot to do with hand eye coordination and being alert. Tennis can be easy to pick up on and a lot of fun, all while hitting the ball back and forth behind the net. It is a great exercise and another way to get out the house. To be on the team students must have a 2.5 G.P.A. and a real drive to play and work hard. Students must bring their own rackets and practice clothes, along with a positive attitude.
Ms. Bailey is excited and cannot wait to meet her team and start coaching. The new coach has set several team goals: having fun, working hard, creating a positive environment, and learning about tennis! All students are welcome to join, even if they do not know how to play. Tennis is very easy to learn and a lot of fun once you learn the sport. Come out and join the team to have fun with tennis. You could even meet new friends. The signup sheet is on the door of room 408, so hurry and come join the team!